Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Doll Stories

Last night at Gureje, all the doll neighbors met for the first time, and we shared our individual doll stories, then had an amazing fabric swap/initial doll-making session. Thanks Linn Edwards for taking these pictures:

This blog will serve as a space where we can record those memories of dolls past, whether dolls we made or dolls who belonged to our we are simultaneously thinking about our new dolls, and all that they will be.

Please share your stories!


conchart said...

Hi Everyone,

Just a big thank you to everyone in the Doll Neighborhood - it was liek a spiritual conversion for me wlking in to a group of so many doll lovers!

My favorite part of the evening was listening to everyone's doll stories. I rushed right home to tell my doll, Hazel Schmazel all about you. she really is so excited about coming next time to meet you (she loves being admired - I must tell you!) and although a little apprehensive after hearing about the beheading of Madam she still can not wait to come.

So see you all soon!

Liz C.

Angela E. said...

Hi everyone,

Don't worry Hazel and Liz, my brothers aren't anywhere near Brooklyn.

Also loved the stories and it was wonderful to be surrounded by such playful, creative adults in such a great atmosphere.

Looking forward to meeting all the dolls!

See you all soon,


Liz V. said...

I am so excited about being a part of Doll Neighborhood! Everyone is so creative, and I can't wait to watch our dolls come to life! Only one more week. The monkey sisters can't wait to be movie stars! They've been practicing in the mirror for their big moment all weekend!